23 August 2007

Ninjas Don't Fade Away

by D.J. Kirkbride; art by "The Night Watchman"

Ninjas never fade quietly away
    into the calm night.
For the strong, proud, badass ninja that just
    doesn’t seem alright.
While ninjas are quite silent assassins
    and pass unnoticed,
They ain’t wanna get all feeble and old.
    That’s shit, truth be told.
Ninjas live really big, exciting lives,
    though in the shadows.
But they are people with people’s needs and
    live it up like ho’s.
Ain’t no way a ninja would fade away
    when it’s his last day.
Like Jon Bon Jovi
    ninjas go down in a blaze of glory.

21 August 2007

Back In Black


It has been exactly forty years to the day that I posted my last message on this blog. Why the delay? I'm not a ninja who likes to rush himself. If I've got something to say, I deliberate. I take pause. I reflect and find the perfect choice of words. Perhaps I take a few months off to kill them what needs killin'. In the end, I do it because I care. I care about YOU.

I'm not just gonna get on here and post some pointless update. Not gonna put up some cool looking picture that'll hopefully make you forget that I've not given you any ninja goodness in two damn months.

No, that's not what YOU need. You came here looking for ninja info, links to interesting ninja information, news on the latest and greatest ninja movies, comics, and literature, and by god, that's what you're gonna get.
